Articles of Association revision 2015

Because of a a mistake by the chairman, this page was  linked in the notice as being a AofA revision for 2016.

As AofA revisions haev to be sent to the members one month before the AM, there will therefore be no aofa revision during the Annual Meeting 2016. Click at to go to the AofA revision 2016


Articles of Association revision 2015

  • A few notes about the revision 2015:   We suggest therefore that the deputy chairman is mentioned in the article 7 and of course elected in the Annual Meeting.

    About article 9

    • Article 9. Misspelling "durning" should be "during"

    About article 11

    Article 11. The English "motions from the Board and the Members" should be translated into Swedish as "Motioner from styrelsen och föreningens medlemmar". (Google translate of "motions from the Board and the Association members".) 

    Changes in  article 13

    Article 13 is actually (underlined text to is be removed):


    actual version

    TSuggested new version

    Old Article 4

    Motivation: Nothing is written in our AofA about the deputy chairmans role when the chairmans chair is vacated. The Roberts rules tells about this.  Normal procedure is that the chairman and the deputy chairman sign for the association. the banc and authority requires that those who sign for KA must be named in the Annual meeting Minutes.

    New Article 4

    Old article 4: "The financial year starts from January 1 to December 31. The chairman and the treasurer are those who sign for the Association. The chairman and the treasurer can sign individually. They are the official representatives for the Association in all legally-binding negotiations. The vice-chairman takes over the Chairman's hair for the Kidlink Association, if the chairman  is hindered from executing it." New Article 4: "The financial year starts from January 1 to December 31. The  chairman and the deputy chairman  sign for the Association. The chairman and the treasurer can sign individually. They are the official representatives for the Association in all legally-binding negotiations. The vice-chairman becomes president of the associaiton if the Presidents office is vacated before the end of a term.

    Old Article 6

    Motivation: This article does tell about members but does not specify the  kind of members

    New Article 6

     Article 6: "These by-laws may be altered, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the members in a Annual Meeting."  Article 6: These by-laws may be altered, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the Association members in a Annual Meeting."

    Old Article13

    Motivation:  TThe chairman and the treasurer must live in countries belonging to the EU." e have found that there are no more reasons to keep this rule. And we have never been able to recruit youth to the Board so we suggest to remove the sentences regarding youth board member. We have also decided at the Annual meeting to remove remove these chairs.

    New Article 13

    Old article 13: The activities of this association shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of  eight ordinary members and three deputy members. The Board has one chairman, one deputy chairman, one treasurer, one secretary, two at large members and three deputy members. The "youth" deputy is elected among the "Kidlink Project" student participants and is elected for one-year term. The "youth" deputy must not be a member of the Association. All other Board members must be members of the Association and are elected at the Annual Meeting for three-year terms.
    The chairman and the treasurer must  live in countries belonging to the EU. The other members should if possible, be recruited from and represent these five areas: Africa, Asia, Pacific, North America, Central and South America. The members should also represent all ages.
    Two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. Each director shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board of Directors for the balance of the year. Vacancy in the Board is when a Board member has not been able to follow the rules written in Article 14 for at least three months without previously informing the Board of the vacancy.
    • New article 13:The activities of this association shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of  eight ordinary members and three deputy members. The Board has one chairman, one deputy chairman, one treasurer, one secretary, two at large members and three deputy members. The "youth" deputy is elected among the "Kidlink Project" student participants and is elected for one-year term. The "youth" deputy must not be a member of the Association. All other Board members must be members of the Association and are elected at the Annual Meeting for three-year terms.
      The chairman and the treasurer must  live in countries belonging to the EU. The other members should if possible, be recruited from and represent these five areas: Africa, Asia, Pacific, North America, Central and South America. The members should also represent all ages.
      Two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. Each director shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board of Directors for the balance of the year. Vacancy in the Board is when a Board member has not been able to follow the rules written in Article 14 for at least three months without previously informing the Board of the vacancy.
      deputy chairman and the office is vacated before the end of a term.