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About this DVD

Kidlink had much more data on the Internet than what fits into a single DVD, so this collection is just an extract. For example, only a smaller part of its language translations are included.

Also, several sources of information was of such a character that it could not be properly presented in .html format without considerable work. Important sources that have been excluded includes:

  • KidSpace

  • Kidcom

  • Galleries

  • The links to the archives do not work.

  • Some of the response database items.

  • Online registration and other interactive forms.

  • Most listserv log files have been kept, and included as (sometimes huge) text files. Some log files have been lost in past system changes.

A large effort has been made to check and correct links after having moved pages to a locations in accordance with the format of the DVD presentation (from annual history and down into details). Thousands of links are corrected, but a large number of erroneous links still exists. Some incorrect links are kept as they are to prove a point. If you find an incorrect link, just ignore it.