AofA Proposal 2010 |
Kidlink Association Stadgar PROPOSAL 2010 New text in green | Kidlink Association Chapters of Association OLD Text to be removed in red | Kidlink Association Chapters of Association PROPOSAL 2010 New text in green |
Artikel 1 - Namn och organisationens hemort | Article 1 - Name and Location of Organization | Article 1 - Name and Location of Organization |
Föreningens namn är "Kidlink Association". Föreningen kan byta sitt namn om minst två tredjedelar så bestämmer på årsmöte. Den är en internationell ideell förening med hemort i Göteborg, Sverige. Juridiska frågor somkan uppstå i föreningen bestäms utifrån svenska lagar. Föreningen har ett emblém skapad av Anne Tove Vestfossen, Norge, medföljande form: | The name of this organization is "Kidlink Association". The association may change its name if at least two third of the Annual Meeting members so decide. The Association is an international non-profit organization with its base of operations in Göteborg, Sweden. Legal questions that may arise in connection with the Association will be decided on the basis of Swedish law.The organization shall have a seal created by Anne-Tove Vestfossen, Norway, which shall be in the following form: | The name of this organization is "Kidlink Association". The association may change its name if at least two third of the Annual Meeting members so decide. The Association is an international non-profit organization with its base of operations in Göteborg, Sweden. Legal questions that may arise in connection with the Association will be decided on the basis of Swedish law.The organization shall have a seal created by Anne-Tove Vestfossen, Norway, which shall be in the following form: |
Artikel 2 - Sammansättning och beslutande organ | Article 2 - Association and authority | Article 2 - Association and authority |
Föreningen består av de fysiska personer som har upptagits i föreningen som medlemmar. Föreningens beslutande organ är årsmötet, extra årsmöte och styrelsen. | The Association is an association between physical persons that have become members of the Association. The authority of the Association isthe Annual Meeting, Exta ordinary member meetings and theBoard. | The Association is an association between physical persons that have become members of the Association. The authority of the Association is t he Annual Meeting, Exta ordinary member meetings and the Board. |
Artikel 3 - Ändamål | Article 3 -Purposes | Article 3 -Purposes |
Dess ändamål är att stödja en global dialog mellan ungdomar i hela världen. Föreningen understryker användandet av elektronisk telekommunikation men stöder även kommunikation i andra former och media. Den arbetar för att uppnå sina mål genom flertalet pedagogiska projekt tillhörande "The Kidlink Project". Projekten är skapade och utvecklade genom ett internationellt samarbete mellan volontärer och erbjuds skolor, organisationer och ungdomar världen över utan kostnad. | Its purpose is to promote a global dialog among the youth of the world. The Association emphasizes electronic telecommunications, but also supports communications in other forms and media. The Association works to achieve its objectives through several educational projects belonging to the "The Kidlink Project". The projects are created and developed through an international collaboration of volunteers and are offered to schools, organizations and youth around the world for free. | Its purpose is to promote a global dialog among the youth of the world. The Association emphasizes electronic telecommunications, but also supports communications in other forms and media. The Association works to achieve its objectives through several educational projects belonging to the "The Kidlink Project". The projects are created and developed through an international collaboration of volunteers and are offered to schools, organizations and youth around the world for free. |
Artikel 4 - Verksamhetsår och firmateckning | Article 4 - Financial year and sign for the firm | Article 4 - Financial year and sign for the firm |
Verksamhetsåret börjar den 1 januari och slutar den 31 december. Firmatagare är föreningens ordförande och kassör. Ordförande och kassör kan signera oberoende av varandra. De är föreningens officiella representanter i juridiskt bindande förhandlingar. Vice-ordförande tar över Ordförandes rätt att signera för Kidlink Association, om han/hon är förhindrad att göra det. | The financial year starts from January 1 to December 31. The chairman and the treasurer are those who firm for the Association. They are the official representatives for the Association in all legally-binding negotiations. | The financial year starts from January 1 to December 31. The chairman and the treasurer are those who sign for the Association. The chairman and the treasurer can sign individually. They are the official representatives for the Association in all legally-binding negotiations. The vice-chairman takes over the Chairman's authority to sign for the Kidlink Association, if he/she is hindered from executing it. |
Artikel 5 -Stadgetolkning | Article 5 - Interpretations of the Charter | Article 5 - Interpretations of the Charter |
Uppstår tvekan om tolkningen av dessa stadgar, eller om fall förekommer som inte är förutsedda i stadgarna, hänskjuts frågan till näst kommande årsmöte. I brådskande fall får frågan avgöras av styrelsen. | If there are uncertaintes about the interpretation of the charter or if there are issues not covered in the charter, the issue should be adjourned to next Annual Meeting. Only in urgent cases are the issues decided by the Board. | If there are uncertaintes about the interpretation of the charter or if there are issues not covered in the charter, the issue should be adjourned to next Annual Meeting. Only in urgent cases are the issues decided by the Board. |
Articolo 6 - Stadgeändringar | Article 6 -Amendments | Article 6 -Amendments |
Dessa stadgar kan ändras, avskaffas eller utökas genom inte mindre än två tredjedelar av medlemmarnas röster vid Årsmöte. Ändringsförslag måste cirkulera bland medlemmarna i minst trettio dagar innan Årsmötet. | These by-laws may be altered, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the members in a Annual Meeting. The by-laws text proposal must be circulated for discussion for at least thirty days before the meeting. Appendices containing organizational information shall not require a vote of the membership for modification. They may be modified by a two third vote of theBoard. | These by-laws may be altered, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the members in a Annual Meeting. The by-laws text proposal must be circulated for discussion for at least thirty days before the meeting. |
Artikel 7 - Upplösning avföreningen | Article 7 -Dissolution | Article 7 -Dissolution |
För upplösning av föreningen krävs beslut av Årsmöte eller extraordinärt medlemsmöte med minst två tredjedelar av antalet avgivna medlemsröster. I beslut om upplösning av föreningen skall anges dels att föreningens tillgångar doneras till UNICEF, dels att all dokumentation och data kopieras, arkiveras och förvaras hos den avgående styrelsens ordförande och sekreterare. | The Association can be dissolved by a two third vote of Annual or an Extraordinary Member Meeting. In the dissolutions meeting minutes shall be declared that any assets remaining will be donated to UNICEF and all Association documents and data shall be copied, archived and kept by the dismissing Board chairman and secretary. | The Association can be dissolved by a two third vote of Annual or an Extraordinary Member Meeting. In the dissolutions meeting minutes shall be declared that any assets remaining will be donated to UNICEF and all Association documents and data shall be copied, archived and kept by the dismissing Board chairman and secretary. |
Artikel 8 - Medlemskap | Article 8 - Membership | Article 8 - Membership |
Deltagare i "The Kidlink Project" behöver inte vara medlemmar i föreningen. Medlemskap i föreningen är öppen för alla personer och organisationer som vill stödja ekonomiskt föreningens syften och mål. Varje medlemsorganisation måste utse en fysisk person som får utöva sina rättigheter och privilegier. Man blir medlem i föreningen när man har betalat medlemsavgiften. | Participants in "The Kidlink Project" are not obliged to become member in the Association. Membership in the Association is open to any person or organization wishing to support economically the purpose and goals of the Association. Each organizational member must designate a person to exercise those rights and privileges. One becomes a member of the Association when the Association dues are paid. | Participants in "The Kidlink Project" are not obliged to become member in the Association. Membership in the Association is open to any person or organization wishing to support economically the purpose and goals of the Association. Each organizational member must designate a person to exercise those rights and privileges. One becomes a member of the Association when the Association dues are paid. |
Artikel 9 - Medlems rättigheter och skyldigheter | Article 9 - Member rights and obbligations | Article 9 - Member rights and obbligations |
Medlem • har rätt att delta i sammankomster som anordnas förmedlemmarna, | Members • have the right to attend member meetings | Members • have the right to attend member meetings |
Artikel 10 - Regler för utlysning av medlemsmöten | Article 10 - Rules for meeting notice | Article 10 - Rules for meeting notice |
Kallelse till samtliga medlemsmöten måste skickas till medlemmarna minst trettio dagar före mötets start. Mötets verksamhestsberättelse och förvaltningsberättelse skickas tillsammas med kallelse till Årsmötet. Årsmötet måste avslutas före april månad. | Members are invited by email to all official member meetings at least thirty days before the scheduled meeting. The Board's Annual Report and Financial Statement must be sent to the members together with the notice to the Annual Meeting. The Election Committee informs all members about new Board member candidates. The Annual Meeting has to be ended before the month of March. | Members are invited by email to all official member meetings at least thirty days before the scheduled meeting. The Board's Annual Report and Financial Statement must be sent to the members together with the notice to the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting has to be ended before the month of April. |
Artikel 11 - Medlemsmöten | Article 11 - Member Meetings | Article 11 - Member Meetings |
Medlemsmöten är årsmöten samt extraordinära medlemsmöten. Alla medlemsmöten har denna dagordning:
Årsmöten har dessutom dessa punkter i dagordningen:
| Member meetings are the Annual Meeting and Extraordinary Member Meetings. All member meetings have this agenda:
| Member meetings are the Annual Meeting and Extraordinary Member Meetings. All member meetings have this agenda:
Artikel 12 - Beslutande | Article 12 - Decision Procedures | Article 12 - Decision Procedures |
Varje medlem har rätt att rösta. Varje röstande medlem har exakt en röst. Val vid tillsättande eller avsättande av styrelsemedlem är hemliga. Det minsta röstberättigande antalet vid val är 35%av de röstande. Alla val om inte annat anges godkänns med enkel majoritet (>50%). Varje fråga röstas om på det sätt som mötets sekreterare eller ordförande finner lämpligt. Varje motion från medlem som stöds av minst 35% av föreningens medlemmar tas upp på medlemsmöte för omröstning inom 30 dagar. Röster som använts vid valav styrelsemedlemmar håll hemliga efter valet. | Each member is eligible to vote. Each voting member shall have exactly one vote. Ballots concerning election or removal of Board Directors shall be secret ballots. The quorum for a vote by the membership shall be set at 35% of eligible voters. All votes unless otherwise stated are approved by a simple majority (>50%) of voters. Any question may be voted upon inthe manner deemed appropriate by the Secretary or Chairman of the meeting. All votes by the membership shall be cast in the manner specified by the meeting secretary. Any proposal submitted to the Board Chairman with a number of seconds representing more than 35% of the eligible voters, shall be put before the membership for a vote within 30 days. The ballots for the election of Board Directors shall be keptsecret even after the vote is over. | Each member is eligible to vote. Each voting member shall have exactly one vote. Ballots concerning election or removal of Board Directors shall be secret ballots. The quorum for a vote by the membership shall be set at 35% of eligible voters. All votes unless otherwise stated are approved by a simple majority (>50%) of voters. Any question may be voted upon inthe manner deemed appropriate by the Secretary or Chairman of the meeting. All votes by the membership shall be cast in the manner specified by the meeting secretary. Any proposal submitted to the Board Chairman with a number of seconds representing more than 35% of the eligible voters, shall be put before the membership for a vote within 30 days. The ballots for the election of Board Directors shall be keptsecret even after the vote is over. |
Artikel 13 - Styrelse | Article 13 - The Board | Article 13 - The Board |
Föreningens aktiviteter leds av styrelsen som består av sju medlemmar. Styrelsen består av en ordförande, en viceordförande, en kassör, en sekreterare, en ungdoms-representant, samt två ordinarie styrelsemedlemmar. Ungdoms-representanten representerar ungdomarna som deltar i "The Kidlink Project" och är vald för en tid av ett år. Denne behöver inte vara medlem i föreningen. Alla andra styrelsemedlemmar måste vara medlemmar i föreningen och är valda vid årsmötet för en tid av tre år. Två tredjedelar av styrelsen är det minsta röstberättigade antalet. Varje styrelsemedlem äger en röst och den kan inte lämnas genom ombud. Vakanser i styrelsen kan ersättas av resterande styrelsemedlemmar genom nyval och valet gäller till nästa årsmöte. | The activities of this association shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven members. The Board has one chairman, one deputy chairman, one treasurer, one secretary,one youth representative and two at large members. The "youth" deputy is elected among the "Kidlink Project" student participants and is elected for one-year term. The "youth" deputy must not be member of the Association. All other Board members must be members of the Association and are elected at the Annual Meeting for three-year terms with exception for the Association first Annual Meeting (art12). The chairman and the treasurer must live in countries belonging to the EU. Their names and data are found in Appendix A of these by-laws. The other members should if possible, be recruited from and represent these five areas: Africa, Asia, Pacific, North America, Central and South America. The members should also represent all ages. Two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. Each director shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board of Directors for the balance of the year. | The activities of this association shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven members. The Board has one chairman, one deputy chairman, one treasurer, one secretary,one youth representative, two at large members and three deputy members. The "youth" deputy is elected among the "Kidlink Project" student participants and is elected for one-year term. The "youth" deputy must not be member of the Association. All other Board members must be members of the Association and are elected at the Annual Meeting for three-year terms.
Two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. Each director shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board of Directors for the balance of the year. |
Artikel 14 - Styrelsens åligganden | Article 14 - The Board Responsibilities | Article 14 - The Board Responsibilities |
Styrelsemedlemmar får bara agera i föreningens namn med ordförandes tillstånd och efter att övriga styrelsemedlemmar har informerats. Styrelsen är skyldig att:
| Directors shall only act in the name of the organization when it shall be regularly convened by its chairman after due notice to all the directors of the Board. The Boardis responsible for:
| Directors shall only act in the name of the organization when it shall be regularly convened by its chairman after due notice to all the directors of the Board. The Boardis responsible for:
Artikel 15 - Kommittéer | Article 15 - Committees | Article 15 - Committees |
Kommittéer är en uppdragsgrupp bildad av Styrelsen som tar hand om "The Kidlink Project". Styrelsen bildar kommittéer genom att upprätta regler för kommittéen. Kommittéerna styrs av Styrelsen och måste rapportera till Styrelsen och medlemmarna. Kommittéer kan föreslå mötesbeslut och motioner inom deras befattningsområde och kan även fatta beslut för föreningen om så tillåts av kommittéens regler. Permanenta kommittéer tar hand om sådant som är vitalt för föreningens grundläggande funktionalitet. Dessa kommittéers regler kan ändras av Styrelsen. Permanenta kommittéer är: • RegistreringskommittéenDenna kommittée tar hand om allt som har med registrering av användare i "The Kidlink Project" att göra, bl a verifikation av användares identitet och säkerhetställandet att användarregler följs. • Projektkommittéen Denna kommittée ansvarar för allt som har med projekten att göra, bla godkännande av nya projekt, tilldelande av användarrättigheter och rédgivning till projektskapare elleratt avsluta projekt som inte längre är aktiva eller inte följer projektreglerna. • Systemkommittéen Denna kommittée ansvarar för servrarnas och mjukvarans funktioner och utveckling. • Ungdomskommittéen Denna kommittée leds av Ungdoms-representanten i styrelsen. Den ansvarar för Kid Centers och hjälper till med utvecklingen av ungdomsaktiviteter. | Committees are an extension of the Board of directors and take care of "The Kidlink Project". The Board of directors forms committees by issuing the committee rules. Committees are governed by the board of directors and are accountable to the Board and the membership. Committees may propose resolutions and motions within the scope of their rules, and may also make decisions on behalf of the organization if and as authorized by their rules. Permanent committees are in chargeof issues that are vital to the basic functionality of the organization. Their rules may be modified by the board of directors. The permanent committees shall be as follows: • Registration Committee | Committees are an extension of the Board of directors and take care of "The Kidlink Project". The Board of directors forms committees by issuing the committee rules. Committees are governed by the Board of directors and are accountable to the Board and the membership. Committees may propose resolutions and motions within the scope of their rules, and may also make decisions on behalf of the organization if and as authorized by their rules. Permanent committees are in chargeof issues that are vital to the basic functionality of the organization. Their rules may be modified by the board of directors. The permanent committees shall be as follows: • Registration Committee |
Artikel 16 -Revision | Article 16 - The Election Committee | Article16 -Audit |
Revisor har rätt att fortlöpande ta del av föreningens räkenskaper, årsmötes- och styrelseprotokoll och övriga handlingar. Revisorn skall inte ingå regelbundet på styrelsemöte. Föreningens räkenskaper skall vara revisorer tillhanda senast 30 dagar före årsmötet. Revisorer skall granska styrelsens förvaltning och räkenskaper för det senaste verksamhets- och räkenskapsåret samt till styrelsen överlämna revisionsberättelse senast 14 dagar före årsmötet. | The Election Committee consists of two members elected at the Annual Member meeting. The Election Committee must be formed and meet at least 60 days before the Annual member meeting to ask the Board members whose term of mandate isending if they intend to be candidates for the next term. The Election Committee must inform the Association members about their Election proposal at least 30 days before the Annual member meeting. | The auditor have right to continuously read the Association accounts, as well as minutes from Annual member meeting and Board meetings, as well as other Association related documents. The auditor must not attend Board meetings on a regular basis. All accounts of the Association must be available for the auditor at latest 30 days before the Annual Meeting. The auditor must study the Board's Annual Report and Balance Statements and send report to the Board at latest 14 days before the Annual Meeting. |
Article 17-Audit | ||
The auditors have right to continuously read the Association accounts, as well as minutes from Annual member meeting and Board meetings, as well as other Association related documents. The auditors must not attend Board meetings on a regular basis. All accounts of the Association must be available for the auditors at latest 30 days before the Annual Meeting. The auditorsmust study the Board's Annual Report and Balance Statements and send their report to the Board at latest 14 days before the Annual Meeting. | ||
Article 18 - InitialAcceptance | ||
These Articles of Association are presented by an Interim Board consisting of Pia Avolio de Martino (Italy), JingZhang (China), Gracie Brasilior (Peru), Domenico Filippini (Italy),Stellan Kinberg (Sweden), Bonnie Thurber (USA) and a "The Kidlink Project" youth representative, Nicolò Ancelotti (Italy) • The Interim Board elected achairman and a treasurer | ||
This section contains the names and data of the Board Chairman and Treasurer, act as a financial agent for the Association. | ||
Chairman(name and address): | ||
Treasurer (name and address): | ||
Signatures of the Board members [Only visible on paperversion] |
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