Teacher center
This is the main teacher information page.
Read the following links to learn more about Kidlink.
Latest news
We have started a Facebook group Kidlink Sri Lanka
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read Why Kidlink Projects and How Kidlink works.
About the Kidlink Projects
In the menu, click on Project center
Participate in a project: Register to Kidlink. Click here if you want to participate in a project
Projects we have run in the past
Look in our Project archive and you may find interesting project ideas you maybe would like to run.
ONGOING PROJECTS: Go to our main page www.kidlink.org to find information about these.
Where do you find us? Teacher dialogues:
- Facebook group - English
English speeking teachers discuss teaching methods and classroom projects. - Facebook group - Italian
Insegnanti italiani discutono qui didattica e progetti scolastici. - Facebook group - Catalan
Catalan speeking teachers discuss teaching methods and classroom projects. - Facebook group - Portugues
Para desenvolver junto às escolas e coEscolas e comunidades de língua portuguêsa, projetos e atividades colaborativas entre jovens de várias partes do mundo. - Facebook group - Russian
Russian speeking teachers discuss teaching methods and classroom projects. - Facebook group - Sri Lanka
to develop partnership among Members of KIDLINK SRI LANKA and other KIDLINK groups around the world.oup - Facebook group - Scandinavian
- Kidlink Association Member Facebook group
OBS! Only for KA members. - Skype group "Kidlink Project Dialog"
Ask friendship with KA chairman and he will add you to the dialog.