Landmark 2008 Primary Clues-Answers |
Landmark Primary Clues 2008
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Primary Answers for 2008 & TOP Scores
24 Grassland Elementary - 23 Naches Valley Intermediate - Naches, WA 22 Allen Creek School - Rochester, NY
Project questions/comments to:
Feb 11: Clues for Week 3
(1) [19 correct] Abanskaya Secondary School- Krasnoyarsk territory, Aban,Russia -
1. The Landmark is very old. It is about 25 million years old. It is the oldest from its "relatives"
2. It has about 30 islands.
3. The Mongol people gave this Landmark name -"Rich Fire"
4. About 2600 kinds of animals and 1000 of plants can be found there. About 40% kinds of plants and
about 85% kinds of animals couldn't be found anywhere.
5. On December 5, 1996 UNESCO put the Landmark in list of nature heritage.
6. It is situated between latitude 55°47' and 51°28' North and 103°43' - 109°58' East.
7. It is 636 km long and 81 km wide.
8.The Landmark has 336 rivers that flow into it and only one that flows out of it.
9. It is the Pearl of Siberia.
(2) [16 correct] Alconbury School- Huntingdon, England - Shaolin Temple/Monastary,
1) I house great warriors.
2) I am in the same hemisphere as the capital of Russia.
3) I am in the fourth biggest country in the world where we greet people by saying ??.
4) I was founded in 495 or 496AD.
5) I was founded by an Indian monk whose name began with a “Bâ€.
6) I am found at 34 degrees latitude.
7) A form of fighting was started here.
8) I am the birthplace of Zen Buddhism.
9) I have my own library.
(3) [22 correct] Allen Creek School -Rochester, New York - Millennium Wheel (
1.Our landmark is located in the Northern Hemisphere.
2.Our landmark is relatively new, as its opening was in 2000.
3.An airline had a large part in this landmark's construction.
4.It takes about 30 minutes to complete a cycle.
5.Our landmark is located at approximately 51 degrees latitude.
6.Our landmark represents the turning of the century.
7.Our landmark required 7 years to build.
8.This landmark is visited by 3.5 million people yearly.
9.This landmark is 20 times heavier than Big Ben.
(4) [21 correct] Alexander Doniphan Elementary-- Liberty, MO - Independence Rock
1.Some people had a goal to reach me by early July.
2.I rise up 6,028 feet above sea level.
3.I reached the height of my popularity during the 1800’s.
4.You can find me between 90 and 120 degrees west longitude.
5.I am in the western hemisphere.
6.A lot of people liked to “register†with me.
7.You can find me in a sweet place.
8.My favorite song was sung by Roy Rogers; but I rock.
9.I’ve experienced natural micro derma abrasion by wind and sand.
(5) [10 correct] Columbus Elem -Bridgeport, CT - Statue of Liberty
1. This landmark was a gift from one country to another and was dedicated October 28, 1886.
2. You can’t walk or drive a car to this landmark.
3. In the past you could walk to the top of this landmark, but not any more.
4. This landmark is in the Western Hemisphere.
5. Its location is approximately latitude 41.
6. For many people coming to this landmark’s country it was the very first thing that they saw.
7. You can go inside this landmark.
8. Magician David Copperfield once made this landmark disappear on television.
9. Emma Lazarus’ poem “The New Colossus†can be found on this landmark
(6) [15 correct] Discovery Lab School (Team 6) Yakima,WA -
1: Straight up sharp
2: Over 600 feet
3: Revolutionary
4: You can eat on it
5: Legacy Light first shown at the change of the century
6: It expands an inch when it gets hot
7: 47° Latitude
8: Built for a western hemisphere World’s Fair
9: You can’t sew with it.
(7) [13 correct] Discovery Lab School (Team 7) Yakima, WA-
1: Mummies have been found here.
2: It is literally an eye-opener.
3: It is an “ancient summitâ€.
4: It is located at 72° Longitude.
5: The “Tying Pillar of a Star†is located here.
6: Structures are made of stone.
7: It was first discovered in the early 1400s.
8: It is in the Western hemisphere.
9: It is one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.
(8) [17 correct] Eugene Field Elem. (Team Huseman) Hannibal, MO -
1. Our landmark is made of shapes.
2. Our landmark is man made.
3. You have to take a train, a bus and walk to get to our landmark.
4. Our landmark is not in the Northern Hemisphere.
5. The four cardinals are important to our landmarks purpose.
6. The "main" part of our landmark is 11 meters long and 8 meters wide.
7. Our landmark is between the Equator and 30 degrees South Latitude.
8. Building began in 1460 AD.
9. We were "Lost", but a guy who went to Yale and Harvard found our landmark.
(9) [17 correct] Eugene Field Elem. (Team Smith) Hannibal, MO - Wat Phra Keo –
1 Longitude about 100 degrees east
2 Bells tinkle along the roof.
3 Completed in 1784.
4 It has door panel inlaid with mother-of-pearl that tell a story.
5 Located within a grand palace.
6 It has its own private chapel.
7 Located in the “Venice of the Eastâ€, at one time a small fishing village.
8 Involves a journey: India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Laos, ….to Thailand.
9 Residence of a little guy who wears seasonal costumes.
(10) [25 correct] Grassland Elem. - Brentwood, TN - Hollywood Sign
1. Octogenarian in 2004
2. After WW II all the land was lost.
3. Portions of me were sold to the highest bidder
4. Approximate 35 degree north latitude
5. Same hemisphere as “Taras Shevchenko†monument
6. With restoration I shrank
7. Look but do not touch
8. For a quarter, I vanished.
9. Luminaries
(11) [18 correct] Gymnazium Humpolec - Team Sekunda - Czech Republic - Saint Izac´s Cathedral
1. I have only one nave.
2. 15,000 people can be inside me.
3. I am 100 m high.
4. I have 112 columns.
5. You can find me in Europe.
6. I am in the town that was founded by the most important ruler of my country.
7. They built me in 40 years.
8. I was finished in 1858
9. I have the same name as the scientist who was interested in power.
(12) [10 correct] Gymnazium Humpolec - Team Prima - Czech Republic -
1. I'm high.
2. People walk on my surface, but not so much.
3. My cap is white.
4. I have something common with number 4807 and 45 north latitude.
5. You can walk through me.
6. I belong to two states.
7. I´m very important point in Europe.
8. 1786 is very important date for me.
9. You could find me in many books.
(13) [13 correct] Laingsburg Elem (1-FishSquad) Laingsburg, MI -
1.) Western Hemisphere
2.) Made of shale and sandstone
3.) Supports 6 glaciers
4.) Given it's name on July 4th.
5.) found near many other landmarks of this shape
6.) first "discovered" by Europeans two years before the colonies signed
the Declaration of Independence.
7.) Found in a national park
8.) as easy as 123, degrees that is!
9.) not the home of Hephaestus
(14) [7 correct] Laingsburg Elem (2-Peace) Laingsburg, MI -
1. Strategic in control of water route during War of 1812
2. Closed down in 1895, but now a National Historic Landmark
3. Northern Hemisphere
4.) lost to enemy forces during the war
5.) also known by a much longer name
6.) a little more than twice 40 degrees West Longitude
7.) made of timber and limestone
8.) important trading space for voyageurs
9.) on the grounds of the second oldest national park
(15) [11 correct] Laingsburg Elem (3-Wolfpack) Laingsburg, MI -
1.) Nearly 200 ft. tall
2.) Construction started in 1173
3.) Eastern Hemisphere
4.) Controversy about who really designed it.
5.) It is said that a famous scientist once "dropped by" here.
6.) Found approximately near (100 divided by 10) degrees East longitude
7.) currently undergoing restoration to it's surface due to pollution and the elements
8.) closed for a decade due to safety concerns
9.) 4 degrees, hope that helps you get an angle on solving this mystery
(16) [11 correct] Laingsburg Elem (4-Spartans) Laingsburg, MI -
1.) Western Hemisphere
2.) 17 degrees North
3.) Features seven courts for playing ball
4.) It's name means "at or near the reservoirs".
5.) It's residential area was believed to cover nearly 25 square miles!
6.) Not really had any "modern day" visitors until 1848.
7.) corn was an important crop for the people who lived around here
8.) abandoned during the 9th century
9.) used as background scenery of the Rebel base on Yavin 4 in the film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
17) [23 correct] Naches Valley Intermediate -Naches, WA - Wat Po Temple with Reclining Buddha in
1. It has been said that the person I stand for is as happy with a handful of dust as with any rich gift.
2. One can wander around the grounds here, but few go inside.
3. I represent an Indian prince.
4. "Dukkha" is one of the four beliefs that I represent.
5. I am located around 15 degrees N latitude.
6. I have several different names but my favorite is "Sid".
7. I barely fit in my small space.
8. I was restored in 1982.
9. My face and feet are covered in beautiful precious materials.
(18) [21 correct] Narragansett Pier School, Narragansett, RI (Team5) - Site of the
1. Lots of snowballs were thrown.
2. The estimated crowd was 300 to 400 people.
3. Stones mark the spot.
4. It is believed that six people were wounded and five were killed
5. The crowd insulted the soldiers in this event.
6. All soldiers were found guilty of the murder of C.A
7. It is located at approximately 42 degrees latitude.
8. A famous person provided an “artistic†historical documentation of this event.
9. A person in the crowd yelled, “Fire!â€
(19) [21 correct] Narragansett Pier School -Narragansett, RI (Red7)
1.A large steel frame and TONS of concrete are a part of it.
2.It is a metaphor for glamour and success.
3.People have “died†to see it
4.It was created in 1923
5.It is located on a hillside.
6.Named an official landmark in 1973.
7.It is located at approximately 34 degrees latitude.
8.When it started to fall apart a campaign raised 250 million dollars to rebuild it.
9.It is 50 feet high by 30 feet long.
(20) [21 correct] Narragansett Pier School -Narragansett, RI (Green7) Central Park, NY
1. There are 51 sculptures here.
2. There are 36 bridges.
3. It was declared a national historic landmark in 1965.
4. Over 275 species of migratory birds have been spotted here.
5. It covers approximately 840 acres.
6. More than 200 movies contain scenes filmed here.
7. It is located at approximately 40 degrees latitude.
8. There are more than 25 million visitors a year.
9. Many celebrities have visited this place.
(21) [no guesses received] Narragansett Pier School -Narragansett, RI (Brown7) -Machu Picchu
1. Covered by clouds
2. A river lays below it.
3. Half of the population was killed in 1527 by smallpox.
4. It was rediscovered in 1911.
5. Inti Raymi is celebrated here.
6. Do you see the face?
7. A steep trail up is the only way to really see it.
8. Construction began about1460BC.
9. It is located at approximately 70 degrees longitude.
(22) [18 correct] Narragansett Elem.-Narragansett,RI- Unfinished Cathedral of
1. The landmark is located in the 2nd largest city of the country where it is found.
2. The architect died in the 1920’s. He worked on the project for over 40 years.
3. The highest point on the landmark at this time is 520 feet.
4. The people who paid for the landmark took no public money.
5. The project began in the 1880’s and the 1st stone was placed in 1898.
6. It is located between 41 and 42 degrees latitude.
7. It is located in the northern hemisphere.
8. Over 2.2 million people visit this landmark each year.
9. In the 1990’s construction work began again on the landmark.
(23) [7 correct] Rashish J.H School - Petach Tikva, Israel -
1. It contains the remains of an important leader.
2. It's in one of the biggest cities of the country.
3. It has a high religious value.
4. It is known for its beautiful gardens.
5. You can see the sea from our landmark.
6. The precipitations in this place are between 600 to 800 millimeters a year.
7. There are 1200 stairs
8. An Iranian designed it.
9. It is in the same country where you can find very holy places for all of the three monotheist
religions. – you are most welcome to visit.
(24) [14 correct] Schumacher Elem. - Liberty, MO - Make Way for Ducklings sculpture,
1. A former first lady presented this gift.
2. A precious metal
3. Less than 2 decades old
4. Given in love and friendship
5. To: children
6. Nine in the family
7. 480 inches long
8. 55?? 45?? 8?? N, 37?? 37?? 56?? E
9. jack, lack, mack, nack
(25) [14 correct] Waialae Elem -- Honolulu, HI--
1. The forces of nature built this incredible landmark.
2. This landmark is located in the same hemisphere as The United States.
3. “Chaos†is one description of this landmark.
4. This landmark is located at approximately 55 degrees North Latitude.
5. This landmark shares its name with a winning racehorse.
6. Travel through the Giant’s Gate, if you dare!
7. This landmark became a World Heritage Site in 1986.
8. Many parts of this landmark are the same shape as a honeycomb.
9. Tourists enjoy climbing up and around parts of this landmark.
(26) [no guesses received] Waimea Canyon School - Waimea, HI - Deadwood,
1. Discovered by greed.
2. Chinese people were here.
3. Same hemisphere as Mariana Trench.
4. In a gulch.
5. 5,000 - 10,000 people stepped on me.
6. Was on illegal land.
7. Approximately 44 degrees North Latitude.
8. Strike in 1875.
9. Well known if you have premium cable channels.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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