
Landmark Games 2008


A few moments of kids working in the Landmark Project.

Landmark Games 2008
      Links to Project Pages:
Primary Players | Primary Clues - Answers
Challenge Players   | Challenge Clues -  Answers

Registration Opens January 12 - more details below

Welcome to all teams! I'm your moderator, Terry Smith. By popular demand, we'll have two levels of play again this year: Landmark Primary and Landmark Challenge. School teams may choose to participate in one of these levels. The games will be carried out separately, but on the same timeline.
Landmark Primary:
Primary Clues must have at least (1) one coordinate (latitude or longitude);(2) at least 1 relevant associated date; and (3) a hemisphere-related clue.

If subject matter such as math or history is used to give clues, it should fall within the reasonable knowledge area of kids ages 8 - 11. Clues should be fact-based as much as possible. Finally, the Landmark must exist or have existed at one time in history on planet Earth.

Landmark Challenge:
This is the Pro game. ChallengeClues are open-ended as in our past Landmark projects. Our advanced players should keep in mind that the game is more rewarding and fun when others have enough information to make some progress. Remember that students from around the world are reading your clues. This means that some "local" clues might be impossible to figure out. Please think globally.

Sample Clue Set from 2007:

1. The coat of arms associated with this landmark contains a dragon.
2. This landmark was built in 1212.
3. There is a movie based on this landmark.
4. The flag of our landmark's country contains 3 colors.
5. This landmark has a "bloody" history.
6. Located approximately 25 degrees East longitude.
7. This landmark has a name and a nickname.
8. This landmark is located in the eastern hemisphere.
9. Queen Marie lived here.

To Participate

Participating Kidlink teachers subscribe to the Kidproj listserv to receive clues, announcements, updates, and results during the project.To subscribe to Kidproj send an email to the listserv asfollows:

Subject: Blank
Body: subscribe kidproj (your name)


Phase I: Registering Teams and Sending Clues - Jan 12 to Jan 23, 2008

1. Send registration to by the deadline of January 23, 2007. I will confirm registrations by email.

<> Choose your level: Primary or Challenge
<> School name, address, phone, or Skype (If you have a Skype, use it for questions!)
<> Email address for playing the game
<> Contact person name and email
<> Number of students, age/grade level
<> School web or blog address

2. Send nine clues and your answer to by January 24, 2008. Important: Do not send your nine clues and answer to the listserv.

3. To the KIDPROJ listserv (, send an introduction of your team and school. Teams must submit the introduction and the clues by January 24 in order to participate.

Phase II - Playing the Game - Jan 28 to Feb 15, 2008

On the following Mondays, a set of 3 clues from each team will be sent to participants via the listserv and also posted at the project site under Landmark Clues.

Monday January 28
Monday February 4
Monday February 11

During Phase II, students study the clues, and develop yes/no questions that will lead to the unknown landmarks of other teams in their playing level. ONE yes/no question may be asked by teams during each of the three weeks. A total of 3 yes/no questions can be asked of each site,but only one question per week.

Questions must be constructed to be answered with yes or no. These questions are to be sent DIRECTLY TO THE TEAM'S EMAIL ADDRESS, not to the listserv.

Reply with a yes or no when receiving a question from another team. It is very helpful if you will send the original question back with your reply to help teams organize and track information.

Phase III - Make Your Guesses- Feb 19 to Feb 25, 2008

Send one email message to the moderator with the name of each participating team and your guess for their landmark. This message must be in the hands of the moderator by midnight February 25th.

The game is officially over midnight February 25, 2008 and a winner will be announced on Feb 28. The moderator will post the winners of Primary and Challenge levels, and all schools and landmark answers.

"The world is but canvas to our imaginations."- Henry David Thoreau

 It's a big world out there with lots of places for Landmarks to hide. Good luck to all teams!
Best Regards,

Terry Smith
Skype: smithclass
Moderator of Landmark 2008
Eugene Field Elementary
Hannibal, MO USA

Mr. Smith's 4th Grade Web Page
 Page updated 2007-11-23 16:55:29
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