
Challenge Clues 2009

Landmark Challenge Clues 2009

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TOP Scores out of a Possible 31:

 22 Grey Nun Academy (Pennsylvania) & Linkhorne-Miller7 (Virginia)
 21 St. Mark's Shockers (Kansas) 
 20 Warren Hills (Missouri) & St. Mark's 7B Green  (Kansas)

Project questions/comments to:

March 23: Challenge Answers

(1) Abanskaya Secondary School 3 - (Team1 Tarasivich) Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia
Correct: 6  --- Nature Reserve at Krasnoyarsk, Russia

1. The Landmark is million years old.
2. The pride of the city.
3. The first, the second, the third.

4. It has got feathers but it is not a bird
5. In the hemisphere of Mon Martre
6. The country of giants

7. There is a gate for one of the safari animals
8. Grandpa, granny, granddaughter, grandson not a family
9. The goers have old customs and special folk songs.

(2) Abanskaya Secondary School 3 - (Team2 Vinokurova) Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia -
Correct: NO ANSWERS --- Komunalniy Bridge, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

1. It is in the list of the best of its kind.
2. It's the symbol of the city.
3. One of the longest in Asia.

4. Its brother has got an award as the Eiffel Tower has got.
5. A link of two squares
6. People of the Landmark's country have it in their purses

7. Drive, walk not sail a boat
8. A friend of number seven in the World.
9. Not go but watch Along the street


(3) CSI-Cité Scolaire Internationale - Grenoble, France -
Correct: 18 --- Globe Theater in London

1. Black speaks of gloom and dread.White is a good laugh. The stories of the past united under red.
2.  Where in the world does the ‘Javelin Rattler’ make his mark? Here, at my landmark, which encompasses the world, heaven and hell.
3.  I am three in one.

4. Through my roof a canon was blown, which sounded the end of my reign. For centuries I have been known, but for just over a decade I have been up again.
5. Sam came, saw and conquered but died before my inauguration.
6. I am a time machine to the past.I am a bird’s nest in an oak tree.
My outer skin is ‘goated’ with plaster.I have been hand made by the past, in the present, for the future.

7. My grandpa huffed and puffed and he burnt the house down. My father was plagued by a ring of roses. But I am protected by a sprinkler system.
8.  Women couldn’t play so boys took the lead and in the end, the lead took them.
9. Being noisy, being smelly, being funny,Some didn’t agree with me, some couldn’t sit in me.Only the rich watched comfortably.

(4) Discovery Smart School - Karachi, Pakistan-
Correct: 12 ---  Sat Bahan jo Asthan (Shrine of Seven Sisters)

1. they were pure
2. related by blood
3. it used to be a dark hole

4. controversial history
5. landmark is in the 3rd largest city of the province
6. a masterpiece of Mughal architecture

7. restriction regarding gender
8. the landmark is surrounded by water
9. what is similar in wonders, skies, rainbow, days and continents
(5) Eldon Upper-(TeamPalmer6)
Correct: NO ANSWERS - The Blarney Stone

1. Founded in 1314.
2. Found in Ireland.
3. In a village derived from the Irish word an Blarna.
4. Around a castle.
5. You can kiss it.
6. Can endow the kisser with the gift of gab, elegance.

7. Is a block of blue stone.
8. Located in Cork.
9.  51° 55' 44'' N, 8° 34' 15'' W

(6) Eldon Upper-(Team Palmer4)-
Correct: NO ANSWERS - The Great Sphinx

1. It was built in 2560 B.C.
2. Its image is of two things
3. Goes beyond simple erosion

4. Has missing pieces 
5. Is around other ancient monuments
6. Represents a long ago king

7. Latitude: 29 58’ O N, Longitude: 31 7’ 60 E
8. The flag of our landmarks country has three colors and an eagle in the middle
9. Found on the banks of the Nile

(7) Grey Nun Academy - Yardley, PA  -
Correct: 22 --- Dracula’s Castle also known as Bran Castle

1.  I am located in the Northern Hemisphere.
2.  I was built in the 13th century.
3.  I am in a county that borders a body of water named after a color.

4.  I am a royal residence.
5.  I have more than one name.
6.  A book was written about a character who is associated with me

7.  I look like I am from a fairy tale, but what happened here would cause a nightmare.
8.  I was used to defend against the Turks.
9.  One of my names is a healthy food.

Correct: 13 --- The volcano Mt. MERU

1. There is the largest desert in my continent.
2. I am situated in a country with a four coloured flag.
3. I am able to invite a lot of herds of wild animals.

4. To be active is not my full time job.
5. My best protection is the forest ring.
6. My stomach likes mud.

7. I belong to the national park.
8. My bigger brother is 70 km away from me.
9. Fritz Jager was not the first.

Correct: 12 --- Statue of  Mother Russia in Volgograd

1. I am situated in the country, which area is approximately 300times bigger than Togo.
2. My task is to remind an important story from a big war event.
3. I stand near the city which name was changed two times.

4. In my arm is a weapon which is by 291 metres smaller than the Eiffel Tower.
5. There are 200 stairs leading to me.
6. I was finished in the year when Albrecht Bethe was awarded by the Nobel Prize of physics.

7. My total height is by 2,570 metres smaller than the heght of Slovakian highest mountain.
8. I have the image of Greek goddess of victory.
9. I remind a battle which took 200 days.

Correct: 12 --- Mozart´s  House in Vienna

1. North hemisphere
2. Capital city
3. Famous artist

4. part of the cities, villages, streets
5. 1784 – 1787
6. Musical instrument

7. Baroque style
8. 35 years
9. 7 children


Correct: 10 --- OLD BRIDGE in Mostar

1. I spread over the river.
2. I am made of fire-resistant material.
3. I was intentionally destroyed.

4. Turkish engineers rebuilt me.
5. I was built in 16. century.
6. I helped to connect two unfriendly sides.

7. I am from a country near Croatia.
8. In 2005 I was taken aback to UNESCO list.
9. I was reopened 23 July 2004.


Correct: 10 --- Mammoth Cave

1. I'm on the North hemisphere.
2. I'm between 30 – 40 parallels of latitude.
3. I was discovered in 18th century.

4. I'm located in the New World.
5. I'm the most extensive in my cathegory.
6. You can visit me in the corriders in lenght of 15 km.

7. There is an extinct animal in my name.
8. 530 km
9. I'm connected with the name J. P. Wilkox

Correct: 6 --- Tumulus of Peace

1. I'm situated in Central Europe.
2. I'm a construction.
3. I'm 26 metres high.

4. I was born between 1910 – 1912.
5. I'm a tourist sight.
6. I resemble to the pyramid.

7. The architect of Main Station in Prague built me.
8. There is a chapel with ossuary inside me.
9. I'm situated on the place of the battle of the Three Emperors.

Correct: 15 --- The horse sculpture  (airport in Barcelona)

1. My creator was born in the early thirties and  he is still alive
2. I’m not the only one in the world. There are some others like me
3. I’m always quite, have a lot of patience and I’m happy to be in the pictures with you.
4. If you come to the city you might see me at your arrival or departure
5. I see more than 3 million people a day
6. My creator has decorated lots of important squares in important cities
7. I’m quite fat but I can’t go on a diet
8. My creator likes huge things and I am one of them
9. I was made in Italy

(15) Lewis & Clark Elem. - Liberty, MO --
Correct: 19 --- Ice Hotel or L'Hotel de Glace

1.  Our landmark was built in a matter of weeks
2.  Located near a city that begins with the letter Q
3. You can spy our landmark in TV advertisements, magazines, weather reports, on the discovery channel, and on MTV

4. This year, you could only visit in J, F, and M.
5. First opened in 2000
6. Ice cream would never melt

7. Our landmark is never the same-each year it is rebuilt
8. It literally takes tons of ice and snow to construct our landmark
9. Sweden, Finland, and Romania have similar structures

(16) Linkhorne  MS, Lynchburg,VA (Bosta1)
Correct: 10 --- Balanced Rock (Colorado)

1. It’s in the Northern Hemisphere
2. It’s above sea level
3. It’s not man-made

4. It’s two words
5. It’s in the USA
6. It’s heavy

7. Garden of the Gods
8. There are many of these
9. Connected to earth by rock

(17) Linkhorne  MS, Lynchburg,VA (Bosta4)
Correct: 11 --- USS Worden DD 352

1. Huge
2. Not used anymore
3. Third of its kind

4. Made in 1935
5. 4 Stars
6. Farragut

7. World War II
8. Pearl Harbor
9. Underwater

(18) Linkhorne  MS, Lynchburg,VA (Bosta6)
Correct: 8 --- Narita-san Shinsoji Temple Pagoda,Tokyo, Japan

1. It’s on land
2. It’s in the North-Eastern hemisphere
3. Three stories

4. With or without hyphens
5. Made of wood
6. Fearsome Dragon

7. Asian
8. Near Airport
9. Buddhist


(19) Linkhorne  MS, Lynchburg,VA (Sengenberger1)
Correct: 12 --- Ice Hotel (Sweden)

1. Always new, but always ancient
2. The materials used to build it are free
3. 67°51’17.01” North

4. It disappears when the flowers bloom
5. You can’t go here in the summer
6. Go outside if you’re cold, although it’s not hot outside

7. 32°F
8. Formed from a river
9. Recreated every year

(20) Linkhorne  MS, Lynchburg,VA (Sengenberger2)
Correct: 12 ---  Cross Island Church (World’s Smallest Church)

1. It is in North America
2. Man made
3. Hope you have a small family

4. 2335 km to Miami
5. 1989
6. Only accessible by boat

7. 129.54cm x 2.0574m
8. Chihuaha:Mastiff as our Landmark:St. Peter’s Basilica
9. Weddings done here can be a bit rocky

(21) Linkhorne  MS, Lynchburg,VA (Miller7)
Correct: 22 ---------- Longest Burning Light Bulb (Livermore, CA)
1. There's a book about me
2. Surrounded by red
3. Located up high

4. Came from Ohio
5. Made primarily of sand
6. Linus Pauling and I have something in common

7. Not very strong
8. India's emergency number
9. Bartlett and I have something in common

(22) Longfellow Elem, Fargo ND(Team Peterson)
Correct: 10 --- Deadwood, South Dakota

1. It was illegal
2. Duckbill
3. Descendant of a former president

4. Star Trek: The Next Generation
5. Hanging around
6. Gold Rush

7. Mine
8. Fire
9. Back = front

(23) Longfellow Elem - Fargo, ND (Team Peterson 1A)
Correct: 5 --- Yankee Stadium

1.   Smoking prohibited
2.   No umbrellas or backpacks
3.   William Astor

4.   Sing a song
5.   Was old, now new
6.   Light me up in 46

7.   Pride and tradition
8.   Don’t leave or you cannot come back
9.   Join the club

(24) Longfellow Elem, Fargo ND (Team Pfau)
Correct: No Answers (snow days) ---  Taj Mahal

1. Built in a Lego set
2. Three numbers high
3. Two numbers across

4. Three vowels all the same
5. structures
6. One type of cookie top

7. Only one color
8. Named after a woman
9. Two streams next to each other.

(25) school664 - Vostochny, Moscow, Russia -
Correct: 12 --- Church of the Transfiguration on Island of Kizhi

1. Train, boat, feet, chopper, bus, car - one has to combine them this way or other to get to the place.
2. The first people started to settle here 5-6 thousands years BC
3. One of 1650.

4. The second biggest in Europe.
5. Saxo Grammaticus Gesta danorum.
6. The indigenous people called it "the place for games and festivities"

7. The three ones were built there, the others were brought from different places.
8. There are 22 in a 37 meter pyramid.
9. He cast away his tool and said, "There wasn't, there isn't, there won't be anything to match it."

(26) Shoal Creek - Liberty, MO -
Correct: 19 ---  Hotel Sidi Driss

1. I can be found near the same parallel line as Hamadan.
2. We have a flag of the night.
3. I am on one continent but I only have to go 85 miles to get to another one.

4. Five years before the Berlin Wall was built, the country I am in gained its independence.
5. You are standing on the Prime Meridian headed east.  You will only have to set your watch ahead one hour to find me.
6.  5-10 meters deep is where you sleep.  "Room service" might be heard here.

7. The town I'm in is hard to see so not too many knew I was there until I was rediscovered in the year of the Six Day War. Some who did know were the Berbers.  
8. There are some of the best troglodytes in my town.  I think I'm a pretty good one myself!
9.  May the force be with you.

(27) St. Mark's Charter -Colwich, Kansas-
SMC 6A Jayhawks
Correct: 5 --- Reversing Falls, St. John's, New Brunswick

1. Trains pass over me
2. 28 1/2'
3. Mild to wild in minutes

4. I am not natural, but definitely not man made
5. I'm in the oldest city in my country
6. I begin in the Indian

7. See me twice a day
8. Pulp Mill
9. The moon is the key to me


(28) St. Mark's Charter -Colwich, Kansas-
SMC 6B Shockers
Correct: 21 --- Bran Castle ( Dracula's Castle)

1. My history dates back 8oo years
2. I am one of the most visited landmarks in my country
3. I have changed hands many times

4. Teutonic Knights
5. Rebuilt with stone
6. There have been many additions to my appearance over time

7. Ornate furnishings throughout
8. I am more myth than fact
9. Given to a man in New York


(29) St. Mark's Charter - Colwich, Kansas-
SMC 7A White
Correct: 12 --- Alcatraz

1. I receive over 1 million visitors annually
2. I was spruced up by an Angel
3. Broadway and Oriental were feared

4. No longer considered for peace
5. I have served many functions in my history, two being the first in that  area
6. Once occupied territory

7. Birds play a role in my history
8. Admission is free if you can get to me
9. Toughest of my kind


(30) St. Mark's Charter - Colwich, Kansas-
SMC 7B Green
Correct: 20 --- Burj al Arab Hotel,  Dubai

1. In existence for less than 15 years
2. 202
3. Shaped like a traditional sailing vessel

4. Arrive in a Phantom
5. I'm over 300m high
6. Just maybe a 7?

7. It cost over $ 1/2 Billion to constuct me
8. This is a super, super 'sweet' landmark
9. I'm built on an artificial island

(31) Warren Hills Elem - Liberty,MO -
Correct: 20 ---  Castle Dracula aka Bran Castle

1. I am near the darkest sea.
2. I am made of brick and stone.
3. I was a gift to a royal family.

4. I am situated between two mountains.
5. I have secret rooms and stairs.
6. The first word of my name lowers your cholesterol.

7. I lure guests worldwide that wish to partake in my legend.
8. I was built during the Hundred Year's War.
9. My name also means dragon.



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