
Zach H

What things do humans do that damages our planet?

Things that humans do to pollute the earth are throwing away lots of trash.  Also burn fossil fuels which are polluting the air.  We also kill marine life because of the use of fertilizers and run off that kills fish.

What actions do you or your family do to help protect the enfironment where you live, in your country and in the world?

My family helps by doing things around the house that save energy and things that can pollute the Earth.  We reuse grocery store bags as trash bags or to hold stuff in them.  We also turn off anything that we are not using.

When you are at home do you leave lights, heating, air conditioning, computer , games and stuff on when you are not there?  What would be best for the planet and be best for your electricity bill?

We don't leave anything on when we are not there because it is very wasteful.  Also it raises the electric bill higher than it should be.

When you go shopping do you buy whatever you want when you want it or buy only what you really need?

When i go shopping I mainly get what i really need.  Although sometimes i get some of the things that i want.

Do you recycle? What? How?

No I don't usually recycle.  I do recycle though if I see a bin I will put my papers in it and I recycle my bottles when I can.

Tell something about your school or community eco-activties?

My school has boxes and trashcans that we put or recycled paper in.  I would like to get some bins were I can put my bottles in to.                                                                               



 Page updated 2011-04-14 16:55:34
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